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              And in this, the last and final level of The Lonely Mycologists Society the player is allowed to explore a separate part of the mushroom forest. Behind some mushrooms the player can see layers of woven curtains. When the player pushes apart these curtains the player is lead into a mysterious room where they meet the creator of the mushroom society surrounded by glowing bioluminescent mushrooms. They share and odd and complicated conversation about their journey and the society they unwillingly entered. When the conversation comes to an end, the player is gifted bioluminescent mushrooms for their home and they bask in the glow as night falls over the mushroom forest surrounded by all their stolen gifts. 



To learn more you can watch A Glowing Underground Network of Fungi - Attenborough's Life That Glows: Preview - BBC Two. Link for full video: 

              While researching the worlds and mushrooms I will create for this game I became fascinated by the mysterious bioluminescent mushrooms found in forests and jungles. I have always associated this neon colouring and glow to man made materials, deep sea creatures and chemicals, yet to see this produced naturally gives me an new appreciation for this effect. It almost seems surreal these glowing mushrooms deep in the forest and glowing underground networks. When proposing this game I want to keep this amazing contrast between the pitch black darkness of the forest and the glowing mushrooms. 


               In this proposed level of my game, I would like the player to interact with some of my woven pieces I created for my final major project. By pulling, dragging and peeling away my woven pieces I want to propose a level of interaction with my pieces that could have been achieved if the viewer could see my samples in person. For this level, achieving a flow and movement of textiles digitally is important to how the player can move and manipulate my textiles. After the player sifts through all of my weavings they find themselves in and old abandoned shrine. I like the reverence and oddity that is associated with minor gods and objects, and in my research I've found the same mysticism associated with weavers and textiles. 


Lifting Layers of Weavings

A Marvelous Man with a Enormous Mushroom found in Simon & Schuster's Guide to Mushrooms. 


Lifting to reveal a mushroom

           The below experiments and developments all explore a more surreal way of exploring layers and movements. Thinking of how I could place my previous developments in an interesting and interactive way.

A Mushroom From me to you.

Its dangerous to go alone, take this

Sending this message to you with a Taxidermy Pigeon from the Imperial War Museum, London 

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