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                In this level of The Lonely Mycologist I wanted to explore parts of foraging and uncovering mushrooms. Either cutting away at the foliage or brushing away dirt and leaves. This level I would like to differ from the others as the perspective would be as though the player is looking down at the caps of mushrooms. In this perspective the player would be forced down and explore their environment to forage for mushrooms. Its quite odd to distort a players perspective. Many pedestrians in a large city never take the time to look down or up at the sky and instead only focus on their destination and looking straight ahead. In this game, hopefully by including the player to stop and look around for a while perhaps the player could reconsider how they explore their surroundings. People miss so much when they only continue to look in the same direction.


Starting idea of having a wire of fence, removing ivy and weeds would reveal something underneath


A Cluster of Mushrooms at Hampstead Heath with Discarded Pop Can Tags


A view of a cluster of mushrooms in Hampstead Health


A screenshot from a proposal where the player could remove foliage to see the scene obscured.

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 8.50.39 PM.png

As above, Puffball, Sulfur, Honey Agaric   


Foliage for the player to snip away 


Uncovering Puff balls experiments

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