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          The player is transported to a collectors personal collection of vases and pots of varying sizes and shapes. Sent to find a lost object in a forgotten pot the player must rummage through a sea of vessels. When the player interacts with the pots, the player either sprouts fungi or instead smashes the pots into bits. When the player finds a particularly difficult pot, they are given the lost object and they are able to return to the mushroom forest having properly destroyed the collectors vessels and covered the space in mushrooms. 

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         Struggling with the choices of backgrounds and shadows I could add to the pot level I wanted to add some part of my other research to hopefully tie it all together in a more interesting way. I added pictures I took of the shadows from my studio space at Chelsea to connect my research and my final product. I hope that the effect of adding light coming through my studio window adds a feeling of depth and shadow that couldn't be achieved adding these effects in a different way. I want the affect of looking into a room just before the sunsets, in contrast to this calming effect I would like the player to cause chaos as they wish. Either choosing to add mushrooms to the scene or smash the pots all together. 


"....And even we as children would feel an inexpressible chill as we peered into the depths of an alcove to which the sunlight had never penetrated. Where lies the key to this mystery? Ultimately it is the magic of shadows. Were the shadows to be banished from its corners, the alcove would in that instant revert to mere void.” Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows.

This quote also shares a similarity to other levels I designed in this game. The idea of mystery and intrigue behind shadows and seen through scopes leading the viewer to explore, disturb and reveal exciting new mystical and magical things. 

Tanizaki, J. (2001). ​In Praise of Shadows. 1st ed. London: V​intage Classics ( pg. 32-33 )

Shards of pottery picked up from the Thames.


Please flick through to grow mushrooms

Sparkly sounds as you tap pots

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Glass beads in a bag sound effect

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Top of a pot closing 

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smashing glass 

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Just some normal pots. 

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